Why My mind goes blank when I try to speak English - Fix this problem with my Tips

This technique was used by many people and they came back telling me "Ma'am the technique work magically. We are improving, it's giving us such great results."

So if it is helping them it will help you and it is a proven technique.

"My mind goes blank when I speak in English". Now, this is one problem that I have heard so many times and I just want to say one thing about that, it happens. It used to happen to me and I can totally understand if it happens with you.

I have a few ideas to share with you with the help of this article and I'm sure they are going to help you.

There are some amazing tips for you. And if you follow those tips, even if you follow one of those that I am going to tell you about in this article today.

So let's start.

My name is Hardeep Kaur and we're going to talk about this very common issue of mind going blink, words not coming to mind.

When you think to speak in English, most of the time you are like; you take pause and your confidence is lost, you are shaky, you are scared, you are hesitant. You don't want to continue. You like, you know, man I'm done! This is just too hard. I don't want to continue.

Alright, Alright!!! just hear me out. Your approach should be of a fighter, your approach should not be a somebody who is ready to give up on the first obstacle.

I am going to be sharing with you my few tips here.

Hesitation of Doing Something New 

Now the first thing that I want to say over here is that the problem is not your vocabulary. In order to speak properly in English, You just need few words. The problem is not with the vocabulary. The problem is with your hesitation.

You always face hesitation when you think of trying something new. Because you are habitual of speaking in the mother tongue. You are not very used to speaking in English.

So there is this hesitation. This is the issue. 


Then there is another problem. The problem is your habit of the mind to attach itself to comfort. Your mind is not ready to give up on the comfort zone.

That is another problem that you're facing right now. Trust me guys, if you can say something in your mother tongue, you can say it in English also.

It does not need too much to speak something in English which you've just spoken in Mother's tongue, you can try yourself in English.

Let's say something in Hindi: yeh bhaut acha hai!!

Now try this in English: This is very beautiful!!

Is it difficult to say this? simple.

If you can say something in Hindi. It was just very lame. I'm sorry about the lameness of the example,

but... Actually, it just occurred to me and I did it.

I am 100% sure that I can say that in English also. And that is what I used to actually practice all the time.

I used to actually practice that. I used to actually instead of saying something in my mother tongue. I would stop myself and I would say that thing in English.

This is the time you need to correct yourself.

Think of Benefits

Another thing that I would want to say is that think of all the benefits that you will receive once you master your English, once you master your communication skills because communication has a lot to do with English these days.

You can't deny it, that I will never deny that. There is definitely a connection between communication skills and the command of English and, we can't really deny it.

So think of all the benefits that may come to you. Once you start practicing English daily and start overcoming the problem, the pain that you feel when you are trying to speak in English. 

Your mind is actually giving you a lot of trouble and blanking out. Then you need to think of all the benefits just for once.

And the light of the gain is going to help you overcome, the darkness of the pain and that is what I want to say to you on a very strong note here.

The gain is so much more than the pain so, you will have to handle this pan. 

Actually, it's not our mother tongue and none of us have it

Just like that in our blood. No.

It never came to me like that. I used to struggle with it every single day. This is how slowly it started to come to me and things started getting easier.  

I mean, after all, we are also human beings, right? None of us are superhumans. None of us are Supernatural. 

I don't know what to say here.

Well, I hope you get my idea, right? I am not Superwoman, you are not a Superman, you are not a Superwoman.

We are all very normal human beings and the path same, right? It's just that how quickly you walk it. So just walk the path and quickly reach the destination.

Why are you delaying? Let's talk about a few techniques.

Technique 1. Mirror 

Some of them are magical like one of them speaks in front of the mirror. Just shut the door of your room stand in front of a mirror and speak to yourself in English. 

Do not do that. There will be moments after few sentences where you would want to stop yourself and go back to your mother tongue. Do not do that otherwise, what is the point of speaking in front of the mirror?

I mean you are not crazy, right? Trying to speak to yourself. There is a reason behind you standing in front of the mirror and talking to yourself. So no matter how much the heart wants to stop. Do not listen to it. Continue with English, stand in front of the mirror, start speaking. Choose any topic, talk about fruits, talk about vegetables, talk about some shows you are watching, talk about the movies or maybe some character in the movie or maybe about yourself what your heart wants, your desires, your fantasies whatever, whatever...The topic can be anything.

Technique 2. Use Headphones 

So the mirror technique is one of them, then another technique is: you can put on your earphones and put on some music so that you can't hear yourself speaking.  Try and record yourself on a camera and start speaking in English.

This technique was used by a lot of people and they came back telling me that "Ma'am the technique work magically for us" and "I'm improving, it's giving me such great results."

It is a proven technique actually adopted by speech therapists in the world. So why not try doing it yourself. 

All you have to do is put on the music, start recording yourself on the camera. It will stop you to go back to the recording and hear yourself speaking.

When the music is ON you will not be able to listen to yourself. Your hesitation will be under control.

Technique 3.  Do not use Fancy Words 

Then another technique would be doing not to use fancy words. Your words have to be simple. Absolutely simple. That is one thing that I have said 1000 times and I'm going to keep saying till eternity.

Do not use fancy words, Always keep your speaking very simple.

Technique 4. Practice with Subtitles 

Another way that I used to do to practice English was, I used to pause the shows if I am watching something on Netflix.

I used to pause the show and repeat what the character has just said. Speak them, that is when your mind will get training and your mind will adopt the idea and be familiar with new words.

Technique 5. Practice, Practice, Practice 

One last thing that I would say is the most important thing to follow in order to actually work this problem out completely.

Is, I will spell it out for you: P R A C T I C E

Just practice that's what you got to do. Always keep in mind, ''trying to learn a new language without practicing it is a waste of time''.

So, practice is most important, it is most necessary.


Remember one thing if it had been an easy thing, you would not have wanted it. You want it because it was difficult. I am going to this concept: 

It's not a matter of good or bad.

It is a matter of easy or difficult.

Imagine, just hear me out with an example here.

Drinking water is extremely good for your health. You know that right?

But, do we drink actually enough water in a day?

No, we don't, because it is easily available.

Imagine yourself in the middle of a desert.

You're in the center of a desert, you have just half a liter of water available with you.

And there is too much heat. You just have this much amount of water.

Now imagine the worth of this water. Will you waste one single drop of this water?

No, you will not. Because now it is difficult, now it is not available.

So anything which is not randomly available is something that your heart desperately wants to attain. Suppose if this thing is easily available you would never value it.

That is exactly the case with English.

I hope this article was helpful. 

Also Read: Advance 8.0 Band vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task - 2


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