How To Increase Your Vocabulary - IELTS Vocabuary

I am going to tell you about the methods of increasing IELTS vocabulary. I know some of the other teachers have done these type of lessons many times. but I want to give you my own piece of paper. I have a few ideas for you. we are going to start with these first and we will look at practical ones as well. 


The most important thing you can do to increase your vocabulary is  READ. Read a lot. Read as much as you can. but what should read?

You can read anything or everything but the most important thing is to read what you are interested in. For example, if you like sports, read a sports magazine. If you like movies, read movie magazines. Even better read the script of the movie. If the movie is based on the novel, read the novel. A few years ago, ''The life of Pie'' named movie was very famous in the theaters. It was based on a novel. read that novel. That is pretty much good. This is just an example of a movie, you can choose your favorite movie. 


Don't just learn new words. Try to remember them. WRITE, a lot.  You have to write as well. Every time you learn new words, you should have a notebook with you all the time. Write the word in the sentence.  But, not just any sentence. Let's, for example, you know the word  ''beautiful’’. Suppose, it is a new word. don’t write a sentence like ''the sky is beautiful''. It does not tell me anything about the word beautiful because ''the sky is blue as well''.  Does beautiful mean blue? Make sure you are using something like the different words that come from the JECT. Many people study one word root JECT and they think, it will help them to understand the work properly. It is a good idea but if you have patience. I think most people who are studying in English, don't like to study roots because it is like studying another language. If it works, you do it. If it does not then don't. 


Another thing you can do is LISTEN. You may hear about ''''. It is a good website people give talks and lectures about different topics. Listen carefully. Anytime you hear a word that you don't know, write it down. If you don't know the spelling, No Problem! Write it phonetically. Write the word just like it sounds. if you have access to a transcript (means all the words that spoken written down). Check the transcript, and find your word. If you don't have a transcript, then go to the dictionary. Mostly, students ask me to recommend a dictionary. Very simple! you can get an online dictionary or paper one. m-w.comCambridge Dictionary

Avoid Electronic Dictionary

I have seen a lot of students use an Electronic Dictionary, like English to Greek, English to Japanese, English to Hindi, etc. Please avoid this. English to English you are learning more words as you are learning one word. You might be learning another word (in the definition). You will maximize how many words you learn using an English to English dictionary. 

Now a little bit talk over electronic dictionaries. Sometimes, people write a full sentence in the native language and press translate on the dictionary, and get a sentence in English. I have seen sentences that I knew came from the electronic dictionary because they make no sense. They make terrible, terrible sentences. Don't do that. Keep that in mind. So these are some ideas 

Best ideas to increase your vocabulary

Look at a couple of ways to increase your vocabulary. These are very effective but it takes a lot of patience and perseverance. You have to try hard and keep doing. Because it is vocabulary, not so easy.

We start with cards. Get a stag of small cards. You can care for them in your pocket everywhere you go. Divide your cards into three bunches. On one side of the card, you can write words. Maybe four or five words (that are new words for you). You can write sentences of these words on the other side of the card. so you have a clear meaning or you can write the meaning of the word (dictionary meaning).

1. Know: you can have the first pile of the card of words that words you know already. The words, you are very comfortable with. You don't need to look at these very often. Once in a week try to look at these words. Because, if you will never look at these words, you will forget them. 

2. Almost Sure: these words you almost recognize. You have seen these words before or you have heard them before. You can guess word meaning, context. Put these kinds of words in the 2nd pile. You should look at this pile all the time. Keep it in your pocket or take it with you when you go outside. Like, if you are on a bus and train or a long line in the bank, anywhere, look at the words. When these become very comfortable with, move over to the first pile (know) and leave at home. 

3. Don't Know: put words in the last pile that you really don't know. This is the pile that you look at the most. Study these words until these become more familiar. You move them to the second pile (almost sure). 

Bottom Line

Stick to the pattern study and move, study, and move. All the time you have to practice. Vocabulary means a lot of memorization. 

Good Luck with that! If you have any questions, you can ask me in the comments. Don’t forget to share this information about who really needs this.


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