IELTS Reading Tips - Matching Headings Reading Tips

I want to share with you the results of my research in one of the trickiest IELTS reading questions which is matching headings.

Also Read: True False Not Given questions 

Ready? Let's get started with today's topic Reading Matching Headings.

First of all, let me show you how this type of task looks so that's IELTS practice tests number 14, test 2, and passage 3

Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below. You see a list of headings with Roman numbers the numbers are always Roman and then you have a number of questions at the bottom you need to find a suitable heading for each section. Sometimes a section is a paragraph or it may include several paragraphs.

You always have more headings than sections. Sometimes seven sections and eight headings or eight sections and nine headings.

Should you do this type of question first or last?

Well, both ways work. Most students do matching heading questions in the last. Because you would answer all the questions related to this passage and then by the time you start matching headings, you have already read the whole passage and then you can simply match headings. It works but then you need to remember a bit more about what each section of the text was about in order to find the relevant heading.

I would say that it makes it a bit more difficult to answer this type of task. I actually prefer to do this type of question first. So I match all the headings and then I start answering all the questions. I've compared both ways and it seems that all in all. I finish answering all the questions related to the section it bit more quickly.

Match all the Headings

Match all the headings on the question sheet first and then transfer your answers to the answer sheetIf I do these questions first, whatever way you choose, my next tip works for everyone. My tip is to match all the headings on the question sheet first and then transfer your answers to the answer sheet let me tell you how you can match headings step by step and then you see if my method works for you.

1. Look through all the headings

First of all, I read all the headings. Read them quickly just to know what's there. 

2. Read the first section quickly

Then read the first section of the passage again, read it quickly.  Do not try to memorize information, because here you just want to get the general idea of what it's about.

If you don't understand anything you don't concentrate on it but if you see any names dates, names of theories that you may need to answer, highlight them straightaway.

3. Find the heading that matches the first sections

Now you have read the first section, go back to your headings read them all. Choose the one which matches the first section. Once of choose the heading and cross out that heading in the list of headings. It really helps later.

4. Hesitating between two answers

If you are hesitating between two answers.  Write both numbers for one question. Mark if you think that's the answer but you are not quite certain. Again I put a question mark.

Mark and if you can't find the heading. You do not need to spend too much time on any single question at this stage. 

5. Read the second section quicky

Just move on to the next section and come back to this question later.  Move on to section number two. Quickly read it, try to match the heading. Read section number three and so on. Once you've finished the first round and you've read the whole passage, come back to the questions you couldn't answer. If you were hesitating between two options.  It's likely that you've already used one of them for another section.

So the answer becomes obvious if you have several unanswered questions. You have fewer options to choose from. So again it's easier to pick the correct answer and remember. I told you to put question marks next to any answers where you're not quite certain about it.

That's because in this type of task if you pick an incorrect heading for another section then you prevent yourself from picking the correct heading for another section. But mistakes happen and you just need to try to rectify them to find them as quickly as possible.

That's why I'm telling you to put question marks. So you know which questions you should check the and that's exactly why I told you earlier that you should match all the headings on the question sheet first and then transfer your answers to the answer sheet.

Pay Your Attention

Now let me share with you a couple of things you should pay attention to when answering this type of question and then I'm going to show you some examples.

  • The first one is if you find exactly the same words in your heading and in this section of the text then it's not the correct answer. Because the correct heading would always be paraphrased.
  • In the second one, some people say that it's enough to read the first sentence of each paragraph in order to match headings all the first and the last sentence. I can see why they're saying it in academic writing. Because the first sentence introduces the paragraph and always often tells you what it's going to be about and the last sentence summarizes the paragraph.
  • However, headings are often worded in such a way that you really need to know that thing, right in the middle of the paragraph. In order to find the answer, you have to read the whole text. But you don't need to memorize details to understand every detail. Just skim the text in order to get a general idea that would be enough.

Practice With Me

Now let me show you a few examples from book number 14 passage number 3 which is the most difficult passage. So I'm going to give you some time to find your answers and then I'll show you how I found them.

Example Number One

That's Section C please read the passage now to find your answer. Look at the image below try to find an answer yourself. Then move to the next image.

The answer is here and the keys are right in the middle of the paragraph. Let me show you

You're reading writing in the first half of the 20th century, it means early he designed a number of principles. It means recommendations to improve the efficiency of the work process means business activities

So the heading is early recommendations concerning business activities.

Example Number Two 

Let me show you the next question section D. Look at the below image now.

My answer is here:

I see two main keys the basic assumptions mean fundamental beliefs and misguided is incorrect when you're looking for an answer for this type of question you mainly need to rely on the general understanding of the passage rather than finding paraphrasing.

Example Number Three

Let me show you one more example section number E. First, try to find an answer yourself.

The correct answer is nine 

Here you really need to look at the general idea in order to find the answer. The possible key is here, recent studies suggest means evidence but it's really small. 

You really need to pick this because of the text the usefulness of the process and the benefits. It yields reduction until the point where any further increase in the order reduces productivity and that means a certain approach can have more disadvantages than advantages.

Bottom Line

So how many questions could you answer correctly, leave me a comment below and also say what other types of reading questions you find difficult and 

Don't forget to read the article about 13 Tips To Read Fast - IELTS Reading  You can also read How To Find Reading Answers Easily. I found some exciting tips you should know about good luck with your preparation good luck with your exam.


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