25 Complex Formal English Words - Vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task - Two

I've prepared for you 25 complex formal English words that you can use in common IELTS writing situations. Of course, knowing a word is never enough.

You need to know the exact meaning of each word. And how to use it with other words in sentences. That's what really shows your English skills. I'm gonna give you a list of words. 

Let's get started

1. To Accelerate 

Definition:  it means to happen faster or earlier or to make something happen faster or earlier.


1. population growth accelerated only after 1750.

2. Environmental factors can accelerate the development of certain cancers.

NOTE: This verb is often used with a number of adverbs such as to accelerate dramatically, greatly, and rapidly.

2. To Acquire

Definition: to get or buy something 

Example: Students who have acquired a good knowledge of English have better prospects of finding high-paying jobs.

3. To Adolescent 

Definition: a young person who is developing into an adult adolescent is neither children nor an adult and they have specific developmental needs.

Synonyms: there are several similar words adolescents, youth, and young people.

WHO definition 

World health organization defines adolescents as people between

Adolescents: 10 -19 years 

Young:  15-24 

Young people: 10-24

4. Albeit 

Definition: Albeit it's a conjunction. It's a formal version of although, but. This word is only used to add information in the sentence

Example: Throughout this year retail sales have shown a rise or albeit a declining one or levels of a year ago.

NOTE: Let me explain this sentence: retail sales have shown a rise. They are rising this year albeit a declining one means last year they grew too but at a faster pace. Perhaps last year the growth rate was 10 and this year it's seven percent so it still arises.

5. To Attain 

Definition: it means to succeed in getting something.

Example: After a lot of effort top universities only consider applicants who have attained a high level of academic achievement.

NOTE: it's used with a number of nouns such as to attain a university degree, a master's degree, a standard, a level, proficiency, mastery.

6. To Attribute 

Definition:  it means to say or believe that something is a result of something else. OR you can say, to attribute something to something.

Example: Two scientists attribute this change to better living standards particularly in regard to diet 

NOTE: it's often used with the following adverbs such as:  

  • to attribute directly, 
  • to attribute solely
  • to attribute largely


7. Attribute (as passive voice)

You can also use it in the passive voice something is attributed to something

Example: this success can be generally attributed to two main factors.

  • commonly attributed to
  • generally attributed to
  • usually attributed to

8.  Await 

Definition:  it's a formal way to say  ''wait''

( wait for something = await something) we say wait for something but await something without any proposition

Example: Scientists are still awaiting the results of tests

9. A Breakthrough 

Definition: breakthrough means an important development (to represent/achieve a breakthrough for somebody)

Example: The new deal represents a major breakthrough for the company.

Example: a significant breakthrough in computer science.

10. Commence

Definition: it's formal to begin 

Example: This program will give the children great preparation before commencing school the following September.

11. A Commodity 

Definition: a commodity that's something that is useful or has useful quality.

Example: Water is a precious commodity that is often taken for granted in the west.

Example: Our time is a valuable commodity.

12. Consecutive 

Definition: consecutive following one after another in a continuous series

Example: interest rates rose for the fifth consecutive month.

 13. Constitute 

Definition: this verb has two meanings: 

1. the first one is to be considered something, this action constitutes an international violation of the law. We often use it in the following situations to constitute a dangerous crime breach nuisance, offense, threat.

2. It has another meaning to constitute means to be the parts that together form something such as people under the age of 40 constitute the majority of the labor force.

14. To Correlate -  A Correlation 

Definition:  if two things correlate they are closely connected, they affect or depend on each other and you can say to correlate with something.

Example: a high-fat diet correlates with a greater risk of heart disease.

Example: The average speed of the vehicles correlates closely with the severity of the accident caused.

NOUN: A Correlation

You can also use a noun as a correlation. A correlation between A and  B

Example: There is a direct correlation between exposure to smoking and lung cancer.

15. To deprive

Definition: to prevent somebody from having something important

Example: Parents deprive themselves of many pleasures so that their children can have the best of everything.

16. To Devise

Definition: to invent a plan, system, or object

Example: the scheme is devised for young people in the 15 20 age band.

17. To Elucidate

Definition: to make something clearer by explaining it more fully.

Example: the reasons for the change in weather conditions have been elucidated by several scientists.

18. Exaggerate 

Definition: to make something seem larger than it really is

Example: The media exaggerate the risks and benefits of research findings.

Example: You can exaggerate something bad and something good either way.

19. To Exacerbate 

Definition: to make something bad even worse (we usually use it to talk about a situation or a problem)

Example: Rising energy costs which are a result of a growing scarcity as well as inflation are exacerbating the situation.

 20. To Exert

This word has two meanings. 

1. Definition: to use authority power influence in order to make something happens.

Example: Some managers exert considerable pressure on their staff to work extra hours without being paid. 

2. Definition: to exert yourself: that's terrible you can also use it to talk about someone who is making a big physical or mental effort say to exert oneself.

Example: in order to be successful one would have to exert himself.

 21. (An) Expenditure 

Definition: That's the act of spending money 

Example: the amount spent a reduction in public/government/military expenditure.

Example: Government expenditure on primary education should be increased.

22. To Facilitate 

Definition: to make something possible or easier 

Example: To facilitate learning each class is no larger than 30 students 

quite a lot if you ask me.

NOTE: Use it with the adverbs greatly and further

  • to facilitate greatly
  • to facilitate further

23. Immense 

Definition: it means extremely large or great because the word huge is informal but immense is formal. 

Example: There is still an immense amount of work to be done

Example: The benefits are immense.

24. Imminent 

Definition: it's used to talk about something bad and it means that it's likely to happen very soon 

Example: This system is in imminent danger of collapse.

Example: A man in imminent danger of losing his job.

25. To Incur

1. Definition: to incur it means to experience something particularly something unpleasant as a result of your actions

2. Definition: to incur debts/fines/bills

Example: Companies incur additional costs in dealing with non-paying customers. (it means that the company has to spend even more money on chasing those customers who haven't paid)


I'm giving you all these words thinking that you have some time before your exam but if you really need to take it soon then perhaps you don't have time to learn new words and I would recommend concentrating on the first two criteria task achievement task response and coherence and cohesion. That's where results can be achieved much more quickly.

Good luck with your preparation and your exam!!! 👍👍


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