11 Tips to Improve IELTS Writing Skills Immediately - Writing Task Two

Mostly I get asked how I can improve my IELTS writing skills immediately? In this article, I'm gonna share 11 ways to improve writing skills.

Before diving into the first tip. I want to say this in task 2 you're required to write a formal essay and it doesn't matter whether you take IELTS academic or general training. My tips are for those who want to achieve a band 7+ score.

Hpw to Improve IELTS Writing Skills

 11 ways to improve writing skills.

Tip 1. Very Word

My tip number one stops saying very. this word is used to frequently even by native speakers but if you avoid it your writing will immediately look stronger and more formal. That's what you need in IELTS essays. You can use stronger adjectives instead of ''very''

For example instead of saying:

  1. you can say a ''very important decision'' you can say ''a crucial decision'' 
  2. a ''very big house becomes a massive or an enormous house'' 
  3. a ''very clear solution becomes an obvious solution''

Tip 2. There is & It is

Do not begin your sentences with ''there is'' or ''It is'' These are so simple and lacks style. So try and avoid them. For examples: 

  • ''There are two possible solutions for the government to choose'' from ✖
  • you can rephrase the sentence and say ''the government should choose between two possible solutions'' ✔
Another example:

  • Here is another example ''it's important to introduce new policy''  ✖
  •  You can say ''introducing new policy is important'' ✔

Sentences starting with varies or sets are not incorrect in English but if you want to get the highest score in is writing. Then try not to use them too often. If you are a General IELTS Student, Read 11 Tips For IELTS general Writing Task-1.

Tip 3. Use Strong Verbs

The next tip is to use strong verbs let me show you some examples and explain what I mean.

  • The first example is ''he went around the world'' the verb here is went. ✖
  • We can replace it and say ''he traveled around the world.'' Here ''To travel'' is a stronger verb because it has more meaning. ✔

Next example:

  • Instead of saying  ''To get an offer from a university'' ✖ 
  • You can see to ''receive an offer from a university'' The meaning is exactly the same but the verb ''To receive'' is stronger. ✔

Because it has more meaning than the word ''To get.'' It also sounds more formal. The verbs like ''To go or To get'' are so simple. That they make your writing look plain.

The main verbs to avoid include:

  • To be 
  • To have 
  • To get
  • To go 

Tip 4. Avoid Phrasal Verbs

Avoid phrasal verbs is my fourth piece of advice. I know you've spent ages learning those phrasal verbs that are so common in English. 

For instance:

  •  Instead of saying ''give out free items'' ✖ 
  •  Say ''offer free items'' ✔
  •  Instead of saying ''make-up a new idea'' ✖ 
  •  Say ''create a new idea'' ✔

Tip 5. Contractions

Do not use contractions like don't, won't, can't. arrow contractions or short forms. =These contractions are used in the informal language in everyday life. English speakers use them all the time. But in IELTS you should stick to a more formal style. Use full forms like do not, cannot, will,

Are you the beauty of any of the mistakes I name so far? If yes leave me a comment and tell me which one or which ones.

6. Keep it Accurate

I know many students try to use as many complex words in their essays as possible. The problem is it's often done to the detriment of quality. Basically the harms equality by using words where those should not be used to get banned 7 Bands in the lexical resource. Which wastes 25% of your mark.

Most of your sentences should be error-free announce writing and simpler writing is better than more complex and wrong. 

7. Repeating Words

The next tip is to avoid repeating words. Avoiding repeating words is another way to improve your IELTS writing. It's possible it helps to show that you have an ample range of vocabulary. 

8. Passive Voice Formal Sentences

Use the passive voice in formal sentences. Often use passive voice sentences because it sounds more impersonal and neutral than the active voice. On the other hand, may seem personal and direct/ It may sound a bit too casual or even a bit too aggressive.

Let's Compare this:

  1.  Some companies pay women less than their male co-workers ✖
  2.  Women are paid less than their male co-workers ✔

The second one is more impersonal and neutral. The passive voice is a great tool to use in some sentences of your task 2 essay to make your essay sound more formal.

 Here is another example:

  1. They should make recommendations. ✖
  2.  Recommendations should be made. ✔

The second one is impersonal and much more formal.

9. Use Modal Verbs

Use modal verbs in task 2. You are often required to give your opinion or find a solution to a problem or give a recommendation. Those views and solutions may often sound too direct in English. You need to use often your language to make it more diplomatic and more formal.

That's something you could achieve by using modal verbs such as could, would, might, are some of the examples.

For example:

  1. Banning cars from city centers will alleviate the problem of air pollution this is a statement.
  2. But if you say banning cars from city centers could possibly elevate the problem of air pollution. ✔

It gives your sentence a sense of possibility. It's not a statement anymore and it makes your writing sound more advanced. However, the meaning is still clear.

Here is another example:

  1. Some people consider physical education at school unnecessary.
  2. Some people might consider physical education at school to be unnecessary. ✔

I said to be to make the sentence more formal as well.

10. Adverbs

Place adverbs within the verb in informal English. We often begin our sentences or end our sentences with an adverb.

For example No.1

  • Then collected rainwater is filtered. Try to place the adverb within the verb to make a sentence more formal. 
  • Collected rainwater is then filtered.

Another Example:

  • Often companies that get the most from their people consider human resources their biggest investment. ✖
  • A more formal version would be: Companies that benefit the most from their employees often consider human resources their biggest investment. ✔

As you can see in the second sentence I placed often just before the main verb consider. I've also changed some words and I said to benefit the most from their employees instead of saying to get the most from their people. It sounds a bit more formal.

Where do you place your adverb:

  1.  Just before the main verb: companies often consider
  2.  After the first auxiliary verb: Companies have often considered
  3.  If you have a modal verb place it after the modal verb: Companies might often consider 

11. Don't Use Idioms

My next tip is simple don't use idioms.

 I won't beat around the bush. There is no place for idioms in formal writing. Idioms belong to informal language and you shouldn't use them in your IELTS task 2 essay. If you think about it: it's a piece of cake  Avoid idioms your markers will be over the moon if you do.

Now you have learned how to improve your writing skills immediately. Just Let me know in the Comment Box which Tip you liked the most and which one you are going to use it in your writing task 2.  

One more thing if you have misconceptions about IELTS writing Click Here to know more.

Thank You For Reading!!


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    Looking forward for more tips and tricks.

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