9 Tips For IELTS General Writing Task 1 - IELTS General Writing

You have to do the IELTS general test, I'm certain it's for a significant explanation. Maybe you're attempting to move to another nation, or get admission to a college program, or join an expert training program. Whatever your explanation, I know you need to get the best grades possible. Of course !!

So I'm going to teach you one specific area of the test, which your General Writing Task. There are two sections in the writing part, one is a letter and one is an essay. In this exercise, we will concentrate on how you can get the best grades conceivable in the letter-composing area. 

I'm going to give you  9 Steps. If you will apply every single step while writing your writing task one, I promise you, your marks will increase for sure.

9 Steps to Improve General Writing Task 

STEP 1. Basics

The principal thing you need to recognize when you read the letter-composing task is: What sort of letter is?
  1. Formal Letter
  2. Semi-Formal Letter
  3. Semi Letter
Indeed, how would you realize that? 
  • So the initial step was to distinguish the kind of letter. 
  • The second step is the reason
All things considered, you can know it in some ways:


1. Formal Letters: For instance, some formal letters may be asked for request information, or applying for a job, or complaining about a service or a product:  something to that: where you will be asked to make recommendations or suggestions. 
  • To a shopping center, to a cafĂ©, something to that effect. These are kind of formal circumstances. 
  • These are the point at which we are writing to individuals or organizations ( companies) that we don't have the foggiest idea. 
  • That is the piece of information: You don't have anyone's name, you simply have the name of the organization. 
2. Semi-Formal Letters: Semi-formal letters may incorporate things like this: Complaining to a proprietor; or clarifying something, an issue or a circumstance to a neighbor; or approaching a professor for consent to miss a test or to submit your task late. Details could be varied, That does not matter.

Identity for semi-formal letters: What distinguishes the semi-formal? 
  • In this situation we know it's a sort of a formal type of situation, but we know someone's here. You would know the name of the landlord, or your teacher, or your neighbor, etc. 
  • That means something as far as the way that you compose the letter, the language, the tone, the style. The entirety of this is affected by whether it's formal, semi-formal, or informal. 
3. Informal Letters: in this kind of letter you will be asked to welcome a friend, thank or apologize to your friend, or request guidance or advice from somebody that you know.  
  • In these situations, you know that person well and you're likely going to call them by the first name.

Step 2. Open and Close the letter accurately

When you've done the 1st step, you will realize how to continue with this step:

1. In the case of a Formal Letter, you can start with: "Dear Sir" or "Madam", and you end with: "Yours steadfastly or faithfully".

2. If it's a semi-formal letter, you will begin with something like: 
  • "Dear Mr. Cina" or "Dear Ms. Jane" or "Mrs. Singh". 
  • Imp note: Use "Ms." Is the point at which you don't have the foggiest idea whether a lady married or not.
  • End the semi-formal letter like "Yours genuinely or faithfully".
3. Informal Letter: now, you know that the individual very well. maybe he is your friend or family member. 
  • Here you are going to call him/her by their first name. For example: "Dear Jennie", "Dear Andrew"
  • like it is a warm close friendship or relationship you can close informally by saying  "Warm wishes or  Best respects".
IMP: here is one more trick to make it simpler for you: This is a piece of information mentioned in the letter prompt. They will give you the letter circumstance and afterward they'll start a letter with: 'Dear Sir or  'Madam', or 'Dear Mr. Someone or other', or 'Dear Jennie'."  It helps a lot.  You will know whether it will be a formal, semi-formal, or informal letter. And you will realize how to end your letter and what to state in your letter and how to state it, which is what we're going to read at the next step.

STEP 3. Wite Letter Accurately

Start writing the letter accurately. Start on basis on your conclusion about the letter. like whether formal, semi-formal, or informal letters. you have to write an inappropriate language. 

Let me give you a model:
  • For formal or semi-formal letters, we could begin with something like this: "I am writing to ask about..." 
  • "I'm writing to educate you that..."  whatever the circumstance is. 
  • "I'm writing in association with..."
These are a few standard expressions to use that can be when we start formal letters and semi-formal letters. 

Try to understand why these are different from informal situations and see why informal situations are different.

Here we know the person closely. So there is no need to recognize the relationship. We don't begin talking about business. If these are outsiders, we would prefer not to kill their time. We would prefer not to be cordial here, we simply need to get serious. 

Being informal, here you need to be warm, you need to be friendly that these are individuals you know. So you may begin with something like this: "How are you and your family is." 
That could be your first sentence.

What's more, in reality in your first passage should be simply discussing decent things, and just in your second paragraph, you going to get down to explain to them precisely why you're composing a letter to them. 

Another way you could begin an informal letter is: "How have you been? It's been excessive since a long time ago we were toward the end in contact, etc. This is simply to give you some thought. 

I'm going to later reveal to you where you can go to allude to test letters, model letters that you can peruse so you truly become acquainted with the whole configuration. 

Step 4. Use or Write in standard expressions

The explanation takes you a more extended effort to write a letter than. Suppose somebody who has been talking and writing English for their entire life because he/she has gotten the standard expressions. These expressions they use when they write, and they need to attempt to do that. That will save you lots of time and it's significant. Obviously, on a test to write as quick as could be possible.

It's additionally significant for your entire life to compose an email as quick as could be expected under the circumstances. By learning these standard writing expressions, you will have the option to get better grades and spare time and effort. 

So what are a few of these standard expressions? 

  • let's take an example here, how we can write when we are asked to write a letter for an apology. 
  • So if it's a formal situation, you could state something like: "My earnest apologies for missing the gathering or meeting", something like that.
  • An informal letter and you're writing to a companion or something to that effect, you could say: "I'm extremely sorry for missing your wedding." 
  • Suppose you are asking or  requesting something if it's a formal letter you could state something like: 
  • "I'd be appreciative" or "I would be thankful in case you could please send me the information as quick as could be normal the situation being what it is."
  • If it's a more informal letter you could state: "Might you be able to please send me the book as quick as possible?" 
So you see that the tone changes depending on whether it's formal, casual, or semi-formal. 

Step 5. Divide your paragraphs

You need to isolate your letter into sections. You can begin each section from the left, what we call flush left, yet then you need to leave a line in the middle to show this is, truth be told, an alternate passage. 

Otherwise they .. The inspector will imagine that you've kept in touch with one strong bit of writing in your letter as opposed to writing in passages. So ensure you do that.

Step 6. Use clear, legible handwriting

You need to make sure that your penmanship is understood and neat. "Neat" implies that somebody can understand it. Try not to compose like a specialist, regardless of whether you're a specialist since then the inspector won't have the option to comprehend and won't have the option to give all of you the excellent grades that you need. Along these lines, make sure...Also, a few people when they're cursive... 

For instance, when you compose with cursive composing OK?- penmanship which is joined. A few people experience issues with a portion of the letters, similar to "n" and "r". For instance, a "n" or a "r", on the off chance that you don't make it appropriately, it could appear as though another letter, and afterward to the inspector that could seem as though a spelling misstep and afterward you would lose marks. So ensure your penmanship is clear hence that you don't need the inspector to think of it as a spelling botch, since then they need to diminish your imprints.

STEP 7. Write 150 Words

 Next, you are approached to compose and you ought to compose 150 words. How would you know what 150 words are? 

By rehearsing and checking bunches of times, so work on composing letters. On the off chance that I had an IELTS test coming up, I would compose a letter and an article each and every day so I'd feel totally great and sure, I know precisely what I will do, and that is the thing that you feel free to do. And afterward, you will have an inclination and information on what 150 words are. 

Ensure you know. Supposing that you compose under 150 words, you will lose marks. In the event that you compose in excess of 150 words, you won't lose marks. So ensure you compose at any rate 150 words. But at the same time what's significant, I said here that in the event that you compose more. You'll despite everything be fine, you won't lose any imprints, however, you would prefer not to invest an excess of energy since you have to complete it in around 20 minutes.

STEP 8. Finish the letter in 20 minutes

What's more, once more, the best approach to have the option to do that is to rehearse. Practice and practice and practice. So you will compose 150 words quickly, etc. With the sections and the various principles that I outlined for you.

STEP 9. Include all Three Bulleted Points:

I don't get my meaning by that? In the event that you have seen some example letter assignments that show up on the IELTS test, they give you the circumstance and afterward they allow you a second area which says: "Remember this data for your letter", and they reveal to you three focuses. They're normally bulleted focuses. At the point when they have a little dab like this it implies it's a shot. What's more, you should do those things. 

In the event that you don't do one of these, you will lose a ton of imprints. Along these lines, for instance, assume it was a letter that you're being approached to keep in touch with a proprietor. 

You need to compose a letter, how about we assume, to your proprietor on the grounds that the neighbor is making a great deal of clamor each night and you're having a ton of issues. So they will say: "In your letter clarify the circumstance", so you need to ensure you do that.

Understand the scoring criteria

You will get your focuses, or imprint, or evaluation dependent on specific things that the IELTS analysts need you to do in this assignment. So how about we comprehend what those four things are. Number one is task accomplishment. That is a major word that basically implies they need you to do all that you should do in the letter. 
  • Do all.
  • Give a full reaction. 
  • Recollect those three focuses and everything? 
  • Ensure you incorporate all the bulleted focuses, you do what they request that you do. 
  • What's more, that you ought to compose at any rate 150 words. 
  • You will see that in their standards a ton of its subtleties are what I have shrouded likewise for you in these 11 focuses. 
  • The third point is the Lexical asset they call it. That implies they need to ensure that you're utilizing your jargon accurately, normally, fluidly. Heaps of differed jargon. Not similar words over and over. 
  • The last one, they additionally need to ensure that you utilize the right spelling. They do fewer checks in the event that you get...Make spelling botches. So be cautious about that. We've discussed it previously. Furthermore, the last one is the language structure range and exactness. 
  • They need you to utilize changed punctuation structures. To compose various types of sentences; basic sentences, complex sentences, compound sentences. Don't simply compose a similar sort of sentence. What's more, utilize the right accentuation and upper casing, which goes with legitimate English composition. 

Presently, how about we go upwards. What's the other ridiculously significant thing that you have to do to get extremely excellent grades in this letter-composing segment? 
  • Compose a letter each day. 
  • Practice and practice this letter composing. 
  • Peruse model letters from solid sources, yet don't remember them. Try not to retain. Try not to attempt to remember the whole letter since you don't know precisely what you will get. In any case, it will help you a great deal to peruse test letters and just from dependable sources. 

I want you to enjoy all that life has to offer with your IELTS and with your English. Much appreciated particularly for perusing this article. I know you're a genuine understudy, and I'm certain you will progress admirably. 

All the best!


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